Meditation and Brainwave Control 2

Taking Control of Your Meditation in the Hypnogogic State

As newbie meditators, most of us learn to observe and interpret the colors, symbols and images swirling about in our heads.

The actual real power in meditation is our ability to actually take control and make sense of our meditation experience then put it to work for us.

 It is in the hypnogogic state, the one between wakefulness and sleep that your power to control your meditations is fully realized.

While in the hypnogogic state, many experiences can be explored. You may decide to solve a problem, return to a pleasant place from the past or follow a fantasy. Some meditators and lucid dreamers have claimed to receive special codes or messages when they reach this state, such as a computer programmer receiving the code to finish his program or a scientist being given insight into a scientific problem.

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